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21.06.24 - Expressive Arts and Design!

This week children have been experimenting with colours and marks. Giving meaning to their drawing and painting. They have been looking particularly at wild animals linked to the book we are reading called, Animal Boogie. 




14.06.24 - Family Friday!

This week our families came into the Nursery to see our lovely setting and play alongside their children. Family Friday is a great opportunity to learn and play with your child and to learn how to best support your child at home. It was a great session!


24.05.24 - The Natural World!

This week, children have been taking care of the plants that they have grown. They have been watering them and talking about what they look like now they have grown and what they think will happen next. 



17.05.24 - Maths!

Some of this week's mathematical activities in Nursery have been exploring and talking about 2D shapes through play. Children have been making shape pictures, drawing shape pictures, looking at shape books and finding and naming shapes in the environment. 



10.05.24 - Early Writing!

This week one of our provision activities has been around name writing. Children are learning to hold a pencil with a tripod grip. They are learning to form the letters in their name. They are also learning the letter sounds in their name. In phonics children are learning how to hear the sounds in small words and push them together to say the word. 



03.05.24 - Nursery Reading!

In story time this week we have been retelling the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We have been retelling the story using puppets and story blocks. Children have been posting the food the caterpillar likes to eat, using the specific story vocabulary. 



26.04.24 - Observing Seasonal Change!

This week in Nursery we have been planting seeds and learning about what they need to grow. Children have enjoyed digging, watering and looking at other leaves and plants outside.  



15.04.24 - Early Reading!

This week in phonics we are starting our “Sounds time” learning. This is the final part of phase 1 phonics. We are learning to hear the sounds in words and blend them together and say the sounds in words and blend them together. This prepares children for Sounds-write in Reception. Our teachers are so proud of how we can give focused attention to our group work on Sounds Write and participate enthusiastically in our new learning!



22.03.24 - Expressive Arts and Design!

This week as part of our bear hunt learning we have been drawing bears. Due to the lovely weather, we took our drawing outside. The children talked about the description of a bear from the book and used the pictures from the book and used pens to draw their own bears. 


08.03.24 - People and Communities/The World!

This week we have been learning about the farm before our trip to Meanwood Valley Farm. We have been reading Noisy Farm and finding out about some of the things that we will see. We enjoyed playing with the small world farm and using farm vocabulary. 

We have also been talking about our families and special times, making Mothers Day Cards. 




01.03.2024 - Creating with Materials!

Children have been noticing the signs of spring outside, so we decided to paint flowers! They have been learning the skills of using scissors, tape and glue to make their own creations using different materials. We have also been exploring how to colour mix and use a paintbrush in provision time. Some children have also been exploring materials, pattern and play dough to make birthday cakes. 






23.02.24 - People and Communities!

Children in Nursery have been using their knowledge and understanding of jobs in their families and communities to role play this week. They have enjoyed learning how to keep our outside area clean and tidy, helping to look after their school. What a great start to the term we have had!






09.02.24 - Physical Development!

In Nursery we have been running and riding bikes, finding space, practicing judging speed and obstacles. Outside we have been swinging, climbing, kicking and catching balls. We have also practiced balancing and making our own circuits. Inside in our movement area we have moving in different ways, balancing and learning to jump safely. We have been very active this week!




02.02.24 - Understanding the World!

This week, children have been looking at how materials change by making 3 bears porridge. They have been asking and answering questions about different foods and trying and tasting them. They have also been exploring their familiar world by looking at changes in the weather and their outside environment. Also, children have been using their enquiry skills, exploring how forces work.





26.01.24 - Marvellous Maths

This week, children have been using mathematical language to compare quantities. Children have explored shapes through drawing and making patterns. Some children have also enjoyed making play dough, counting and measuring ingredients. Some children have been counting and matching amounts to 5. Also, we are developing our skills to recognise and match amounts to numerals. We have had a very busy week!




15.01.24 - Focus on Literacy!

In Literacy this week, lots of children have enjoyed retelling the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears using their cut-out characters and story blocks. Some children have enjoyed reading their favourite books and talking about them with their friends. Some children have been practising their tripod grip, mark making with pens. Others have been learning the letters in their name and writing them.