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PE and Sport Premium

Sports Premium

Schools receive PE and sport premium funding to make improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer.

Information about the funding we received in the last academic year, how we spent this funding and its impact is available here.

Physical Education

Our vision for PE is that every child should have the opportunity to develop the physical confidence and competence to enjoy being physically active. We aspire to provide an inclusive, physically active environment that equips children with the fundamental movement skills that will encourage them to develop life-long participation in physical activity. Through high-quality PE lessons delivered in a broad and balanced curriculum our goal is to plant the roots for physical literacy within our pupils.

We have introduced the Real PE scheme of work for all children from Foundation stage to upper KS2. Real PE is a unique child centred approach that engages every child in PE and promotes the development of fundamental movement skills across all ages. The scheme develops the whole child through various different learning cogs; Physical, Social, Creative, Personal, Cognitive and Health and Fitness. This allows us to provide a high-quality, inclusive PE curriculum that promotes individual success in physical activity.

We place a strong influence on offering children access to a wide range of sporting activities. At lunchtimes we operate a playground zoning system which allows children to participate in activities such as dance, football, hula hooping, skipping and zumba. Our after-school Super Sports Clubs, which are altered each half-term, include sports such as athletics, combined gym and dance, cricket and girls tag rugby.

Coaches from the Leeds Rhinos Foundation visit school weekly to support additional PE lessons and offer a range of extra-curricular clubs. We also have partnerships with Leeds Beckett University and Leeds Trinity University, offering volunteer placements for their sports students to work with our children. This has allowed extra playtime activities through the school year and extra support for the children in their PE lessons, whilst also providing their students a rewarding and purposeful environment to progress their skills and knowledge.

Competitive sport

We aim to offer our pupils as many competitive opportunities as possible, both within school and by entering teams for inter-school competitions. We run a successful football league which allows children to engage in extra-curricular football. Other inter-school events include the Brownlee mini-triathlon, cricket, football, netball and tag ruby festival.

We have achieved the School Games Bronze Mark Award for the development of competitive sport across the school and in the community.

Sports day

We hold our annual sports day at the John Charles Centre for Sport, one of the best sporting venues in Leeds.